.: Specializing in the Audi B8
After purchasing a 2010 Audi B8 A4 I became addicted to looking for the next greatest mod. With this being a fairly new car information and items were scarce to say the least. After diving into the car head first it became apparent that the forums out there today aren't set up to really keep track and display the information we all crave and look for in an organized manor. So was born Audi Enthusiasts.
I hope to expand at some point to help others in the Audi family and would be interested in hearing from anyone who has an interest in taking ownership of building on with their specific model.
For the time being please enjoy the items and articles I will be posting here and feel free to contact me if you have any changes or items you would like to contribute. Vag Com coding or VCDS is cross compatible to a few models and certain coding has been found to work on A4, S4, A5, S5, and Q5 so there may be something here for you.
.: Latest News

I've added an Infotainment section dedicated to the MMI system. There is tons of stuff to get up but I managed to get a few items for you to check out. The real interesting stuff isn't listed yet and there is SOOO much to come including activating Video in Motion with nothing more than an SD card!

Please note the site has recently been moved to a new host and is currently under repairs. You know how it goes, the movers always break something. The PR Decoders are currently offline and I will get them back up once I can remember how I wrote the code (then convert them to the new server). Other updates will be happening prior to that so stay tuned.
This is a tool that will allow you to take the PR codes found on the sticker in the trunk or in the service manual and tell you what options your car was built with. If your not sure what this is check out the article on Audienthusiasts here.
*Click on the image to go to the PR Decoder page.

Coding to add the ADS option to your 3G Plus equipped FL car. This coding also includes the proper coding to get the steering changes, something I believe was missing up to now on most sites. Thanks to Ben for working on this.
*Click on the image to go to the project page.

This is a great mod that can probably be done for around the $100 mark and a good afternoon. One of my favorites. As with the TPMS you have to have the proper ABS controller to do this install. Well worth the effort to never roll on a hill or be able to release your brake in heavy traffic.
*Click on the image to go to the project page.
Here is a nice and inexpensive mod for you. Installing the glove-box cooler Audi forgot to install in the A4/A5 B8 cars. Hope you enjoy this one and finally something you can do for most likely under $20.
*Click on the image to go to the project page.
A new application section has been added. This includes a calculator to help people who do navigation upgrades to get rid of the Software error in module 5F.
The VIM page has been updated and I have added my own generator to the page to help people get the VIM codes online. Still in testing but looking good.
There are lots of other little updates and changes going on in the site. I hope to keep them coming over the next few months as I update and include some 2013 coding updates for the already listed VAG mods.

Want to add a little more protection? This upgrade will walk you through adding the interior sensor with tilt sensor and the alarm by-bass switch. .
*Click on the image to go to the project page.
This project covers the upgrade of the rear door locks on the North American models. I've also included instructions on how to install door lock switches if your car didn't come standard with them.
*Click on the image to go to the project page.
Long in the making. Here is a great way to light up those door pockets with a nice factory look and control.
*Click on the image to go to the project page.

If you hate the Nylon Owners Manual Wallet as much as I do you'll love this inexpensive alternative for a touch of class in the cockpit.
*Click on the image to go to the project page.
Thanks to a lot of hard work I am now successfully able to alter the rear taillight configuration. I have reprogrammed a number of cars remotely now to include additional lights for braking and to convert North American taillights over to a Euro configuration. There is no release date right now for the coding so if your anxious to get this done to your car drop me a line. I am doing remote coding for those who require it.
This break through can allow A5/S5 owners to add rear fog lights to their cars now using the extra brake lights on the outside of the LED lights. I can also now convert US bulb lights to Full Euro bulb lights. Just add switch and you have fogs.
The Tabs on these grills break way to easy. Here is the safe way to change your fog light bulb.
*Click on the image to go to the project page.

This was sparked by a member of Audizine and led to this write up. Now you can add a little bit of that missing sound to your standard system.
*Click on the image to go to the project page.

Looking for a way to vent out that hot air on a warm day before getting in your car after work? Well that's one use for this feature.
*Click on the image to go to their web page.
The latest DIY is complete. Still many more to come but this one was something of interest to a few people to I rushed it to the top of the list.
*Click on the image to go to the project page.

Well it's been a few weeks since the last project appeared on the site but not to worry, I was up to something. Effective immediately you can sign up for emails when the site is updated or if I have anything interesting to share.
Thanks to the contributions of a few people I managed to buy an email administration add on for the site so you can sign up and I can send emails to the entire group where there is something to report. You'll find the sign up on the right hand side of practically every page. As time progresses I can expand this to what type of updates and information you want to receive.
Now for projects behind the scenes. I have managed to change the LED's on my MMI controls to match the screen colours. If you look at your car you have Blue for NAV, Green for Phone and Orange for Radio. Well now all the LED's on the buttons match the screen. DIY coming soon.
This past weekend I installed a Stratmosphere short shifter and found a new love for my car. More to come on that. There is currently a write up and a wicked group buy going on over in the B8 section on Audizine for this unit. Your chance to save 30%. So stay tuned and thanks for those few that have enabled me to grow the functions of the site.
As time moves on I hope to add a live chat and blog as contributions allow.
Slightly Larger DIY but not extremely difficult. So now a way to have those factory folding mirrors that the ROW owners could order.
*Click on the image to go to the project page

Need an extra plug to charge something up or want to keep something out of sight while it's plugged in? What ever the reason here is another factory option that didn't make it to NA.
*Click on the image to go to the project page.
Received the first part of the trim tonight so I will be installing it tomorrow. I'll capture any install and removal tips for these parts and post some pictures when it's installed.
There's lots of items that don't really fit anywhere so I think it may be time to expand.. Already... I get a lot of common questions on how to do certain things with Vag Com and other items on the car. So I will start doing little articles on items I think may be of interest. I'll add more as I have time.

This is a cool little feature. Allowing you to selectively leave one side of your parking lights on when you turn off your car. A feature not everyone got.

I didn't come up with this one but found it a bit complicated to follow initially. So with some help from RLarsen (not the first time) from Audizine here is a rewrite. You'll find much more information related to the ABS modules here than you will anywhere else that I know of.

Vag Com section go through an overhaul to make it easier to find specific types of codes. There may be a few dead links as I get my coding transferred over and up.
I've started to pull apart my back seats to install rear heated seats and install the ski bag pass through. I've already hit some snags on the pass through but the heated seats are moving along well. I hope to start the DIY this weekend.
Please note: AudiEnthusiast.com is in no way associated to Audi or VW in any way shape or form. All brand names and manufacturers listed here are for informational purposes only and are in no way endorsed by AudiEnthusiasts.com unless stated other wise.
WARNING!! All modifications and changes are done at your own risk. This site in no way approves the modifications performed here for your vehicle. Please check with your dealer before performing any changes as they may void portions of your factory warranty.